
Learn and Master Painting Lessons - Selecting a Home Study Oil Painting Course

We all want to Learn and Master what we learn in art courses whether they are home study or at a university or even at a local art center. Your painting lessons should receive just as much care and attention. Here are some points to consider when selecting a home study oil painting course.
Does the painting course cover your current painting skills?
Many painting lessons are only for a certain skill level. Perhaps one is just for a beginner. Another painting course might assume that you already know how to clean brushes, how to make different brush strokes, etc. It is important to get painting lessons that start at or below your current painting ability so if you are intermediate you need a course that starts at a beginner or intermediate level.
Do the painting lessons progress in difficulty?
A solid professional painting course will teach you starting with the lowest level of difficulty to the highest as advertised. A course that skips around in difficulty could stump a beginner and bore a more advanced painting student. A painting course that is designed for beginners in mind needs to start by teaching us how to mix paint, how to load paint on a brush, and how to clean brushes. If it started with a student trying to paint a still life, the student would only become frustrated. You need to select a painting course that lets you progress from least to most challenging difficulty.
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