The Mystery of Bees
Despite the honey bee's painful sting and the stereotype of insects as pests, bees are generally held in high ranking. This is most likely due to their job as pollinators and as producers of honey. Bees are also used on advertisements, being used to promote honey and foods made with honey as well. Bees have a unique way of flying that defines the as well as they can sting but most of them do not. We are more harmful to bees as they are to us. The bee offers multiple solutions for plants, bees, and humans to be at our best.
The bees are mysterious in their unique way of gathering energy. The worker bee simply ingests a secretion from the pharyngeal glands of another worker bee which turns him into a queen bee. This secretion is a super food called Royal Jelly and stimulates rapid growth and development. The queen bee outlives the average worker bee 40-1 living approximately 4 years while the worker bee only lives 4 months average. The queen bee also grows 50% larger and produces eggs 11/2 times their body weight. Energy and longevity are the natural components of Royal Jelly.
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