Lower abdominal pain is sometimes referred to as abdominal cramps and it is often associated with the digestive parts of the human body. There are various causes of this pain and the distinct area of the body in pain helps in determining them. There are various tests that are conducted to establish the different causes of this pain and some of the major causes are discussed below.
Constipation could be one of the causes of the abdominal pain. It is common for a number of people due to the difficulty of the digestive tract to push out the waste materials from the body. The pain could be caused due to the extra work the muscles are subjected to in the push as it exerts a lot of pressure on the abdominal area.
Appendicitis is another possible cause of lower abdominal pain. Hernia could also cause the pain due to the soft protruding tissue hitting the abdominal wall. Another cause of this pain could be testicular torsion that occurs in men who suffer from coiled testicles. This pain often comes in surges and when it is at its worse, the pain does not go away.
In women, there are various factors that could lead to the lower abdominal pain. Ectopic pregnancy could be one of these reasons. It occurs when the fertilized egg is found in another area other than the uterus. The pain gets intense on the lower right abdomen if the egg is located in the fallopian tube. During the menstruation period, the cramps could cause this pain and the intensity varies from one woman to the other. Pelvic pain caused by the inflammation of the cystitis or bladder could also lead to the abdominal pains.
Pain could also originate from the fallopian tubes, the ovary or the uterus and is located on the pelvis. Dysmenorrhoea which occurs during the menstruation period could also cause this pain in women. Some diseases of the reproductive system in women like endometriosis, fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease may also lead to the abdominal pains.
There are diseases that could lead to the abdominal pains in both men and women. Cancer is one example of these diseases, it comes in various types e.g. colon cancer, ovarian cancer or bowel cancer. Cancer causes a lot of pain to the patient's affected areas of the body and the above types would affect the abdominal areas of the body. Kidney stones, tumors and aneurysms are other example of diseases that may lead to these type of pains. Chron's disease and diverticulitis are diseases that cause the colon to get inflammations which cause pain on the left lower parts of the abdomen.
Food poisoning could be another cause of these abdominal pains. When one eats food that contains a parasite or bacteria, it causes a digestive disorder which causes pain on the lower left part of the abdomen. Food poisoning normally takes 1 to 48 hours after the food is indigested. Abdominal aortic aneurysm also causes the abdominal related pains. It occurs in the instance when the aorta found within the abdomen area ruptures leading to leaks which may cause swelling, paleness and excruciating pain in the abdomen.
Lower abdominal pain is very common amongst pregnant women. There are high cases of complaints regarding these pains amongst the pregnant women and they are caused by several factors. The most common and obvious cause is the round ligaments' action of stretching to accommodate the foetus. This causes minor or moderate pain to the lower abdomen of the pregnant woman. The action of the uterus preparing itself for the coming birth could also result in some pain being experienced in the lower parts of the abdomen. However, severe abdominal pains during pregnancy should be checked immediately by a qualified doctor.
These pains around the lower abdomen may range from soft tenderness to pain that is severe. The pains could be intermittent or steady and could be felt mostly during activities that are strenuous like running or jogging. The characteristics of the pains vary greatly as they are determined by their individual causes. It would be wise to have a proper diagnostic study on these pains so as to be able to come up with an accurate diagnosis to enable proper treatment of the pain.
Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/